No one is prepared to go through an injury at work, and after it happens, you may not know what steps to take next. While your company may send you to a doctor hired by them, you should actually know that you can make the decision for your medical or dental care. A DOL doctor will be a great choice when you want someone that is putting your needs first, and not the company you work for. Here are more reasons why you should involve a DOL doctor of your choosing after going through an injury.

#1: You’ll Receive Exceptional Medical Care

The medical care you receive during this time will be essential to how quickly and completely you recover. When you choose your own doctor, you can learn more about the care they provide their patients and what experience they have with specific injuries that are like yours.

#2: You’ll Gain a Better Understanding of Paperwork

The paperwork that goes with federal work comp can be difficult to understand if you’ve never been in this situation before, you can rest easy because a DOL doctor has experience with linking and identifying injuries, and accurately and clearly documenting this for your case. They know that OWCP claims are handles with precision, and the doctor will have experience communicating with everyone involved.

#3: You’ll Have an Expert to Answer Your Questions

Whether you are were injured while working for the TSA or at another federal job, having someone that is quick to respond and will use clarity when explaining the complex nature of the documentation and processes will help keep you informed and confident throughout each step. You can ask about your recovery and when you can expect to return to your federal job at places like the USPS.

#4: You’ll Be Able to Focus on Getting Better

Whether you work for the VA and are ready to get back to helping veterans with neuropathy pain relief or you want to get back to your postal route, you’ll be able to focus on the recovery when you have a DOL doctor by your side. They’ll handle the documentations and many of the communications so that you can make improvements and heal your body. Start with a free consultation to find out more and then you can get the care you need to get the recovery and compensation you deserve.